Despondent after years of financially fruitless creative...
TU-ChristiesDespondent after years of financially fruitless creative activity, at the end of 1963 Broodthaers decided to become an artist and began to make objects. His first has been interpreted as a symbolic interment of his former career: Broodthaers took 50 unsold copies of his book of poems Pense-Bête and embedded them in plaster.
Marcel Broodthaers (1924-1976), Moi aussi, je me suis demandé si je ne pouvais pas vendre quelque chose… (I, too, wondered whether I could not sell something…), 1964. Typographic impression on magazine page, unfolded sheet: 25 x 33.5cm. Estimate: €1,000-1,500. This lot is offered in Post-War and Contemporary Art, 1-2 November 2016 at Christie’s in Amsterdam.