Diamond News

Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered new insights into previously hidden parts of...

Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered new insights into previously hidden parts of...

Andrei Vesselovski
Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered new insights into previously hidden parts of the earth's carbon cycle. The team found that carbon recycling extends into the deep mantle by plate subduction, but is still primarily constrained to upper mantle depths, above 700km.

'Superdeep' diamonds provide new insight into earth's carbon cycle
Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered new insights into previously hidden parts of the earth's carbon cycle. The team found that carbon recycling extends into the deep mantle by plate subduction, but is still primarily constrained to upper mantle depths, above 700km. The researchers made the discovery that certain rare diamonds are formed when carbon that was sequestered from seawater into the Earth's shifting tectonic plates r...

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