Diamond News

#Diamond prices stay steady post-Vegas

As the industry bids goodbye to JCK Las Vegas for one more year...

#Diamond prices stay steady post-Vegas As the industry bids goodbye to JCK Las Vegas for one more year...

World Diamond News
#Diamond prices stay steady post-Vegas

As the industry bids goodbye to JCK Las Vegas for one more year, diamond prices are holding relatively firm, according to Rapaport’s diamond index for May.

Small dips and spikes in pricing were noted in the month-over-month data for all four polished diamond sizes assessed by Rapaport. The largest of these fluctuations was a 0.7 per cent increase in three-carat diamond prices, with one- and 0.30-carat gems dropping in price by 0.2 per cent and 0.50-carat stone prices increasing 0.2 per cent.

READ MORE: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/diamond-prices-stay-steady-post-vegas/