
Antique Star Motif from the Crown Jewels of Portugal

Antique Star Motif from the Crown Jewels of Portugal

Ageless Heirlooms

The quote “reach for the stars” comes to mind when I admire these two heirlooms that are part of the Crown Jewels of Portugal, or when I admire any diamond encrusted star for that matter.  The necklace is entitled Necklace of the Stars (Colar das Estrelas) and was commissioned in 1865 by Queen Cosort Maria Pia of Savoy, wife of  King Luís I of Portugal.  It may be hard to tell from this picture, but the heirloom consists of both colorless and pink diamonds. The Portuguese Royal Jeweler at the time also fashioned the Diadem of the Stars (Diadema das Estrelas) for the queen which was commissioned two years earlier in 1863 and completed three years later in 1866.  The tiara also has both colorless and pink diamonds. Necklace of the Stars Diadem of the Stars

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Ashraf Ahamed Ali