
121 books by Black authors.

121 books by Black authors.

Diamonds in the Library
121 books by Black authors.

Good morning, my darlings! Today’s blog post is unusual in that is largely written by YOU.

Last week, in honor of Juneteenth, I started a conversation on my Instagram about books by Black authors. One of the ways I’m trying to fight racism in my own life is by making a conscious effort to seek out books by Black authors, so I sent out a call asking you to tell me what great books YOU’VE been reading by Black Authors.

The response absolutely blew me away. I received floods, avalanches, cascades of book recommendations! I re-shared all the recs in my Instagram story, but the final list was so good that I felt I absolutely had to collect and share these incredible titles by Black authors.

Continue reading 121 books by Black authors. at Diamonds in the Library.