
Our Top 10 Most Pinned Engagement Rings of 2016
Blue Nile Blog
Every year we’re excited to calculate the top 10 most pinned rings because it gives us valuable information about the styles you love most. What we learned from the 2016 list is that pavé sidestones and vintage inspired are hot and rose gold has made a huge splash, displacing white gold or platinum from the top spot.

January Birthstone: Garnet
Blue Nile BlogManufacturers
WOW - 72 carats Stunning Fancy Intense Yellow Diamond Orchid...
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Black diamond engagement ring:
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Mizrahi Diamonds Beautiful pink Diamond. #mizrahiofbeverlyhi...
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2.25CT Black Sapphire & Diamond Cushion Halo Engagement...
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Hacked By GeNErAL
JCK Supplier NewsManufacturers
$20,000! - BEAUTIFUL 1.67 Carat Fancy GIA Cert Yellow and Pi...
Naturally ColouredManufacturers
$220,000 - IMPRESSIVE pair of colored #diamond ear pendants...
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Pair of Fancy Light Purplish Pink & Light #Pink Floral E...
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Our Top 6 Engagement Ring Trends of 2017
Blue Nile BlogManufacturers
Jack Kelege presents this masterpiece of classic design and...
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Impression de Blé #Bracelet from #LesBlesDeChanel - #Chanel...
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$$$ How much is a 2 carat #Diamond??? Take a guess (and then...
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The Art of Self-Gifting: Our Picks
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What to Get the Woman Who Has Everything
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10 Impressive Last Minute Gifts
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Supplier News: Week of Dec. 19
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Good Luck Charm: The Best of Blue Gemstones
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New Designer: Bella Vaughan for Blue Nile
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Supplier News: Week of Dec. 12
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6 Wedding Traditions and Their Origins
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