
Revealed: Where To Find The UK’s Most (And Least!) Romantic Men
VashiNew research has revealed the locations of the UK’s most and least romantic men, as voted for by women around the country. Yorkshire men took the lead, while the Welsh lagged behind as the least romantic in the UK. Furthermore, the poll found that more than half of women believe their men are more romantic than they are.
All those on the hunt for romantic men have now got an indication of where they can be found, following the release of the results of a national poll that has revealed the most and least romantic regions.
The team at diamond jewellery brand Vashi,, conducted the poll as part of ongoing research into British relationships. 2,630 British women took part in the survey, all of whom were aged 18 or over and had been in a relationship for a minimum of 12 months. There was an even split of respondents from the various regions of the UK.
Who is the most romantic in your relationship?
Respondents were first asked, “Who is the most romantic in your relationship, between yourself and your partner?” to which more than half of the women polled (54%) stated that their partner was more romantic than them.
1. Yorkshire & Humberside – 64% (voted that their men were ‘very romantic')
2. Scotland – 59%
3. West Midlands – 45%
4. East Midlands – 41%
5. North East – 39%
When considering the regions with the least romantic men, the results were as follows:
1. Wales – 34% (voted ‘not romantic at all’)
2. London – 32%
3. South West – 29%
4. North West – 28%
5. South East – 23%
The verdict?
Vashi Dominguez of had the following comments about the findings:
“We were interested to see the trends and variations between different UK regions and find out where in the UK men are most romantic. Men in Wales and London could clearly take some lessons from those in Yorkshire & Humberside and the Scottish. There are some lucky ladies living up there!
“We were particularly surprised to see that more than half of women think men are more romantic than they are; that’s one for the books. I think a lot of us expect British men to be hapless and unlucky in love, perhaps a little clumsy and certainly with a stiff upper lip; with other European men getting more of a reputation for being romantic, such as the French and Italians. This is really turning those tables and showcasing just how romantic British men are... providing you go to the right places that is!”