
Why wait? 5 reasons why short engagements are better!
VashiLast week, we argued the case for long engagements, but for some the wait to be lead to the altar can become unbearable. Here are the top reasons why many enjoy a swift march down the aisle.
1) Don’t sweat the small stuff
It would be natural to assume that a short engagement automatically equates to a stressful wedding planning process, but in reality it is quite the contrary. The added time pressure can, rather than hinder you, actually benefit you. How? For one, you are forced to make snap decisions and roll with the punches as you literally do not have the time to go back and forth on decisions. In this sense, you suffer less stress than someone in a long engagement who will constantly be second guessing their choices.
2) Keep the spark alive
In long engagements, your big day can lose its once magical spark. The lengthy period seems to drag on for an eternity. This can cause a lot of frustration, a lack of anticipation and a lacklustre approach to the rest of your planning process. With shorter engagements, you are only a few steps away from getting married, meaning that you’re always on a high – a legal one – as the lead up to your big day never loses momentum.
3) Cheap as chips
You could be walking down the aisle in a matter of weeks or months, because of this, you have to establish a clear picture of what you want. Add a rigid timeline to this and you can fruitfully eliminate unnecessary spending (saving you a lot of money) and focus on what’s really important. There are no lavish displays of wealth here, but rather a ceremony founded on love and togetherness. I mean, do you really need that seven foot wedding cake or, for that fact, a few dozen grandiose gold roses to exemplify your love?
4) Avoid post-nuptial withdrawals
Wedding planning can suck the life right out of you. It consumes every waking moment of your life and if you’ve spent several months or even a year or more planning for this momentous occasion, it can be quite hard to let go once the big day has passed. There is a sense of loss, as if something is missing in your life and you try ever so desperately to fill the void. Thankfully, since short engagements require a shorter planning period, you avoid the withdrawal symptoms that many in longer engagements suffer.
5) No waiting around
Ever since your partner popped the question, you’ve been hopelessly waiting for the moment you’ll get to walk down the aisle to your betrothed – so why delay it any further? Shorter engagements allow you to be well on your way to wedded bliss without the frustratingly long waiting period – and isn’t that the best reason of all?