
Make your bridal shower unforgettable with some of these hilarious games
VashiTraditionally, the bridal shower is the responsibility of the bridesmaids. If you find yourself in such a position, don’t fret. We understand that such showers can bring on a lot of stress as you have to organise a soiree that caters for a collection of people of all ages, that have also never met before. We’ve therefore compiled this list of fun games that double as amusing icebreakers. It should lead to an unforgettable day that you can all cherish for years to come.
Game: Wedding Heist

Shine bright like a diamond! This frustratingly funny game enables guests to adorn themselves in sparkly bling. As the bridesmaid, you present the guests with a cute silver bangle or an understated ring, you then explain how certain words are forbidden to say out loud. Anyone caught in the act will have their jewellery taken off them by the person who caught them. The person(s) with the most amount of bling by the end of the night is then crowned the winner.
Game: Recipe for a great marriage

Words of wisdom. Now this isn’t hilarious per se, but it certainly is super cute and quite sentimental, even if we do say so ourselves! To get started, hand out a wooden spoon to each guest along with a permanent marker. You then ask them to write a message anonymously pertaining to marriage wisdom – the more blush-worthy the better! Once completed, collect the spoons and have the bride-to-be read the messages aloud, she can then choose her favourite messages and award the writer(s) a prize.
Game: Pictionary

This game isn’t picture-perfect and it doesn’t need to be! Pictionary brings out the fighting team spirit out in almost everyone. Write wedding-related phrases on pieces of paper and chuck them into a bowl. Once you’ve divided your guests, get each team to pick a phrase and draw it out on a whiteboard – the team then has to guess the phrase within 60 seconds or the other team gets to answer. The first team to guess at least 12 phrases correctly wins.
Game: Toilet paper dresses

This kooky game allows guests to fulfil their dressmaking fantasies through the use of toilet paper. Again, divide the guests into teams and have an elected member of each team model the not-so-couture dress. Start the stopwatch, let the madness ensue for 10 minutes. Once time’s up, the bride can judge the team’s craftsmanship. To make the event even more fun, roll out a mini runway, and have the guests model their creations – the team with the best dress is then crowned the winner!
Game: What’s she wearing?

Do your guests have a keen eye for detail? Why don’t you find out! Twenty or so minutes after the shower has begun, have the bride leave the room. Once she’s out, hand a piece of paper and pen to each guest and have them jot down as many details as they can remember about the bride-to-be’s attire – the more specific the better! Once finished, the guests have to recite their answers in front of the bride, the person(s) with the most accurate list wins a prize.