
Platinum Vs. White Gold
TacoriDid you know that white is the most popular metal color for engagement rings?
If you love the timeless look of bright white bridal jewelry, you’ll need to decide platinum engagement ring or 18k white gold engagement ring?
Although both white gold and platinum look very similar, each metal has its own unique characteristics of color, purity, strength, and price.
At Tacori, we recommend platinum as our preferred white metal for its durability, longevity, and natural white color. Whichever metal you choose, we only use the highest quality materials to individually handcraft your ring. You can trust in the quality and craftsmanship of either platinum or white gold to create an heirloom to be worn for years to come.
Our Tacori Specialists will help simplify the process of buying your ideal engagement ring. Here's a full run-down on Tacori's premium white metals to help decide which is right for you.