Diamond News

GIA research scientists Karen Smit and Evan Smith will present at the Goldschmidt geochemistry conference...

GIA research scientists Karen Smit and Evan Smith will present at the Goldschmidt geochemistry conference...

GIA research scientists Karen Smit and Evan Smith will present at the Goldschmidt geochemistry conference in Boston, August 12-17. Karen, a specialist in diamond geology, will speak on diamonds from West Africa that preserve a rare signature from the ancient pre-oxygenated atmosphere.Evan, also an expert in diamond geology, will discuss the superdeep origin of rare blue diamonds that likely derive their boron content from the oceanic crust. Learn more: http://bit.ly/2M50uWp

Link to Karen's abstract: http://bit.ly/2nrHN0u
Link to Evan's abstract: http://bit.ly/2vOigCq http://ow.ly/i/Hyskl