
Chrysmela: the earring back you didn’t know you needed.

Chrysmela: the earring back you didn’t know you needed.

Diamonds in the Library
Chrysmela: the earring back you didn’t know you needed.

I am writing to you today, my darlings, to tell you about something that will change your jewelry-wearing life: the world’s most perfect earring back.

I know that an earring back may not sound life changing, but hear me out. Chrysmela is precision engineered using the technology found in smartphones and high end watches to LOCK onto the post of your earrings. The earring back’s micro ball bearings act as a safety net that will grab onto the post of your earring and refuse to let it fall out: it can withstand up to 17 lbs of pressure.

Do you remember the first time you lost an earring? I do: the earrings were bright green flowers with purple centers, a pair that I’d bought for myself at The Limited Too with my own money.

Continue reading Chrysmela: the earring back you didn’t know you needed. at Diamonds in the Library.