
Share jewelry book recs on #IGJewelryBooks.

Share jewelry book recs on #IGJewelryBooks.

Diamonds in the Library
Share jewelry book recs on #IGJewelryBooks.

If you like jewelry and you like books (and you probably do if you’re here reading this) then I bet you also love JEWELRY BOOKS. I have good news for you.

There’s a new hashtag in town: #IGJewelryBooks. It has one mission: jewelry book recommendations.

The hashtag was launched just a few days ago by Manor Jewels. In her inaugural #IGJewelryBooks post, @ManorJewels explained her motivation for the hashtag is education:

[]…We must do a better job of educating one another: Whether that’s sellers educating followers, collectors educating sellers (it does happen and it’s always wonderful to have snippets and insights shared!), buyers asking for clarification and getting clear, concise, and accurate information. Whatever we can do, let’s do it!”

I think this is absolutely fantastic: the more that jewelry lovers know, the better for everyone in our community.

Continue reading Share jewelry book recs on #IGJewelryBooks. at Diamonds in the Library.