
Antique jewelry fraud: 11 ways to protect yourself online.

Antique jewelry fraud: 11 ways to protect yourself online.

Diamonds in the Library
Antique jewelry fraud: 11 ways to protect yourself online.

If you’re part of the antique jewelry Instagram community then you already know that our little corner of the world is having a huge problem with antique jewelry fraud right now.

What do I mean by online antique jewelry fraud? It’s when a piece of antique jewelry for sale online turns out to be fake in some way: either it’s a reproduction (a newer piece made to look old) it’s not all original (parts of it aren’t old) or it’s just not what it says it is (fake stones, replacement parts, etc).

Antique jewelry fraud can be an accident: unintentional ignorance on the part of an immature or inexperienced online seller who just doesn’t know enough.

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