
Dear to Memory: the secrets of antique and mourning jewelry.

Dear to Memory: the secrets of antique and mourning jewelry.

Diamonds in the Library
Dear to Memory: the secrets of antique and mourning jewelry.

There is an extraordinary jewelry education opportunity coming up, my darlings, and I’m so excited to tell you all about it! Dear To Memory is an online lecture series from two jewelry industry gems, Sarah Nehama and Konstantinos I. Leoussis and it’s right around the corner on September 25-26th.

Dear to Memory: learn the secrets of antique sentimental and mourning jewelry

Jewelry holds secrets, especially sentimental and mourning jewelry. Do you know how to read the meaning of a white enamel border, the sepia sweep of a weeping willow’s branch, the implications of a tiny hairwork angel or an engraved forget-me-not?

I have always believed that jewelry tells a story, and in the case of certain sentimental and mourning jewels, the story is quite literally there on the pieces for those in the know to read it.

Continue reading Dear to Memory: the secrets of antique and mourning jewelry. at Diamonds in the Library.